Invested in Staffing since 2012 Meet the Owner

Anna photo
President / CEO

Anna Onechanh

A self-made entrepreneur and accomplished businesswoman, Anna Onechanh is the owner and founder of Division ONE Staffing, a busy staffing agency serving Virginia area businesses since 2012. Anna brings more than twenty years of industry experience to her role, including hands-on work with nearly every aspect of recruitment, staffing and various office support roles. Her incredible ability to adapt and persevere through nearly any challenge drives her success and serves as inspiration for up-and-coming professionals at all levels and from all walks of life.

Anna immigrated to America in 1980 as a refugee. Early on, her parents instilled a strong work-ethic and encouraged her to be goal-oriented while staying true to her values and roots. Her career journey has been one of transformation and hands-on learning from the beginning. She landed her first job on Craigslist with a company looking to diversify their talent pool. Though Anna speaks Thai and Laotian, the employer was looking for a Spanish-speaking employee. They hired her anyway to clean the office and make coffee each morning. She took every opportunity to listen to her colleagues, amassing knowledge of the business and beyond. Through persistence and hard work, she advanced from maintenance to file clerk, recruiter, office manager, branch manager, sales manager and finally area manager. Over the course of 13 years with the company, she hired and cross-trained a highly capable staff. When the company then eliminated Anna’s position, she knew it was time to strike out on her own.

Drawing on the lessons she’d learned working her way up, Anna was determined to turn a difficult job loss into something positive. With little start-up money, no website, business cards, or signage, she made calls and hit the pavement to make connections. Through perseverance and dedication, her network grew to include business clients and potential employees. In 2022, Division ONE Staffing celebrates ten years and is today a multi-million-dollar minority woman owned business with eyes on the future.

An optimistic problem solver through and through, Anna credits her can-do attitude with allowing her to launch and grow a business from the ground up. She believes that anyone from any background can tap into their potential and passion to achieve success. Through her work within the community, Anna hopes to continue using her considerable business acumen and commitment to public service to help others and elevate her industry.

Are you interested in people-focused staffing?

We are the Virginia staffing agency that cares about connection.